"The question is not what you look at but what you see!"

-Henry David Thoureau

Darkroom Definition

While Photoshop and digital editing are a huge part of modern photography, in this competition you must rely on your photographic skills alone. You are allowed to use Photoshop (or similar graphic editing programs) but are limited to the actions that can be performed in a traditional chemical darkroom with the limitations listed below.

For color images:

You may use the Camera Raw Plugin or assorted photoshop techniques to accomplish the folowing tasks.

  • Adjust exposure
  • Adjust tone
  • Adjust white balance
  • Globally adjust color
  • Dodge (at brush sizes no smaller than 20px)
  • Burn (at brush sizes no smaller than 40px)

You may not:

  • Clone
  • Heal
  • Paint
  • Composite
  • Sharpen
  • Use any feature not listed above

Black and white:

The process of emulating black and white photography using digital techniques requires the use of a wider set of tools. In addition to those tools listed above, the following may be used.

  • Channel Mixer (Recommended)
  • Black and White Adjustment in Photoshop or the Camera Raw Plugin
  • Multi-burning
  • Color toning (sepia, copper, etc.)

Examples of black and white conversions:

Original Image

Poorly Executed Conversion
note flat tonal range

Acceptable Converion
note distinct black and white points as well as increased contrast to aid in object recongition without color data

Superior Conversion
note distinct black and white zones, tonal differentiation between neighboring objects, full tonal range from black to white, sufficient contrast to promote mood of image, and translation of color related detail to black and white to maintain sharpness and depth