Judges Takes
Creativity and out-of-the-box thinking are prized in this competition, but in a time crunch, it's easy to take things at face value. In order to help give you a better idea of how far you can go in your interpretation of the themes, last year's judges have gone out and shot last year's themes. Each of these photos represents a take on one or more themes, and were each shot within a 2 hour window, including driving, getting props, arranging models, and processing.
1: Picasso in 4 Dimentions
2: Out, Out, Damned Spot | 9: One Fish, Two Fish | 10: Tangled Webs
3: Beauty Steals Inward
4: Comparable to Hearding Cats
5: Conceptual Inertia
6: Not As Symmetrical As It Might Seem | 16: Sounds Better With A Foreign Accent
7: Through the Looking Glass | 20: What's in a Frame
8: Involved in a Land War in Asia
(one of the classic blunders, only slightly less well know is this: never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line)